Methanation which is a technology to manufacture e-methane (synthetic methane) as a raw material for city gas from CO2 and hydrogen is one of the key technologies to achieve carbon neutrality.
This site describes the rules set by the Japan Gas Association for the use of the logos of "e-methane".
What is "e-methane"?
"e-methane", alternate natural gas, is synthesized from CO2 and hydrogen (e.g. green hydrogen).
Our thoughts on "e"
Realization of S+3E
e-methane is an energy source that realizes the principle of "S + 3E"* to proceed energy policy, and we will work for its implementation and diffusion in society.
*S+3E: The basic energy policy of the Japanese government. With Safety as a major premise, it aims to simultaneously achieve Energy Security, Economic Efficiency, and Environment.
Achieving carbon neutrality
utilizing renewable energy sources
In transition period, we will utilize blue hydrogen as well and other resources to expand the use of e-methane, and in the future, we will contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by utilizing green hydrogen produced from electricity derived from renewable energy sources (electro).
JGA News Release: Unification of the name of synthetic methane to "e-methane"